Mye har blitt sagt i det siste om hvor viktig "sosiale media" har vært i opprørene i midtøsten etc., både av mainstream-medier og bloggere som John Robb.
Vel, jeg er skeptisk... Hvis jeg var revolusjonær ville jeg holdt meg langt unna sånne ting! Hør på Hr. Assange:
He [Assange] said: "Yes [Twitter and Facebook] did play a part, although not nearly as large a part as al-Jazeera. But the guide produced by Egyptian revolutionaries … says on the first page, 'Do not use Facebook and Twitter', and says on the last page, 'Do not use Facebook and Twitter'.
"There is a reason for that. There was actually a Facebook revolt in Cairo three or four years ago. It was very small … after it, Facebook was used to round-up all the principal participants. They were then beaten, interrogated and incarcerated."
Julian Assange tells students that the web is the greatest spying machine ever (Guardian)
Forøvrig også: Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media (Guardian)