Vel, Denninger skummer fra munnvikene (hmmm når gjør han ikke det?) i The Government's Effort Has Failed...
At the same time the supposed "official" statistics say we lost 216,000 jobs. Unfortunately the household survey, in the same release, says something different. Their "official" numbers on the household survey say 466,000 fewer people were working, not 216,000. But it gets even worse than that when you dig into the actual data.
If you look on page 10 in the Household Survey you see the line "Employed." July to August that number declined not 216,000, not 466,000, but a staggering nine hundred and eighty-one thousand people.
So where did the rest go? They gave up. Note that the counted "unemployed" actually fell by 378,000 people. Those are people who simply aren't looking any more - they have deduced that there is no point to searching for a job.
The BLS doesn't count those people as "unemployed" but the merchant on the corner and the bank next door sure as hell do.
For ikke snakke om de arbeidsledige selv...
Og som Mish sier, "anyone 16 years old without a job in 1930 was considered unemployed". Vel, pr. i dag forventes vel 16-åringer å gå på skole, men likevel: Et mål på "arbeidsledighet" som bare innbefatter aktive arbeidssøkere, og utelukker langtidsledige i en situasjon der nettopp mengden langtidsledige er rekordhøyt og raskt økende, er fullstendig irrelevant og svært misvisende -- og å basere viktige avgjørelser på svært misvisende tall er farlig.
Det virker åpenbart at arbeidsledigheten i USA pr. nå er EPISK.