After declining 95% in 15 years, Saiga antelope begins to rebound with help from conservationists (mongabay)
In a decline on par with that suffered by the American bison in the Nineteenth Century, in the 1990s the saiga antelope of the Central Asian steppe plummeted from over one million individuals to 50,000, dropping a staggering 95 percent in a decade and a half.
While "poaching, both for meat and for its horn used in traditional Chinese medicine, has been the primary factor driving the decline of this unique nomadic mammal," Bykova explains that political and economic upheaval are behind the poaching epidemic.
"The saiga’s fate has been closely tied to economic changes in the former Soviet Union, whose breakup in 1991 was accompanied by the collapse of rural economies causing widespread unemployment and poverty."
En historie til advarsel for alle "miljøvernere" som mener at økonomien bør legges ned... desperate folk tenker ikke på det felles beste, de tenker ikke på fremtidige generasjoner, de tenker bare på hvordan de kan ta vare på seg og sine.
Og da flyttes tidligere tallrike dyrearter fort over på rødlista, og de på rødlista over i glemmeboka.
En økonomisk kollaps er også en miljøkatastrofe.