tirsdag 10. november 2009

Økonomiens mål

er ikke profitt. Det er ...trommehvirvel... å dissipere (norsk?) energi så fort som mulig:

Second Law of Thermodynamics May Explain Economic Evolution (PhysOrg)

[W]hen formulated as an equation of motion, the second law [of thermodynamics] can be used to describe many [...] processes in energetic terms, such as natural selection for the fittest species, organization of cellular metabolism, or an ecosystem’s food web. In these systems, free energy is consumed; that is, energy is dispersed in a way to promote the maximal increase of entropy, which is the essence of the second law.

While economic activities are traditionally viewed as being motivated by profit, Annila and Salthe argue that the ultimate motivation of economic activities is not to maximize profit or productivity, but rather to disperse energy.

Mææget interessant om koblingen mellom økononomi og energi (og livet, universet & alt det andre). Hele PhysOrg-artikkelen er egentlig sitatmat, men jeg må vel prøve å gjøre i det minste en symbolsk innsats for å holde meg på den riktige siden av kopilovene så jeg motstår fristelsen... nnnggh...

Den opprinnelige artikkelen er fra Entropy, skrevet av Arto Annila og Stanley Salthe, er tilgjengelig på nett som pdf, og heter Economies Evolve by Energy Dispersal.

Jeg har bare skummet igjennom (det er forøvrig en leseteknikk jeg bruker en del; først skumme igjennom, så la stoffet gjære i underbevisstheten et døgn eller to, og så lese grundigere), men en umiddelbar kommentar:

Kommentarene på PhysOrg går i retning av tilbedelse av Den Hellige (usynlige) Hånd... men i EEbED sier forfatterne at

Natural selection for the most effective mechanisms of energy dispersal is often pictured to be driven only by mutual competition, sometimes referred to as an arms race, whereas less attention has been given to the gains that are obtained by evolution to hierarchical organizations, sometimes viewed as co-evolution, co-operation or even altruism.
We note that the natural bias for the maximal energy dispersal down along the steepest gradients was anticipated in the economical context as being directed by ‗an invisible hand‘. However, we emphasize that, according to the 2nd law, the primary motive of economic activities is the most effective dispersal of energy, whereas it is of secondary importance whether the processes are defined as conscious or unconscious. Therefore, legislation and its enforcement that also consume free energy in redirecting flows and in altering mechanisms, are regarded as natural forces. Also in biological systems natural selection is at work both when particular traits are intentionally sought by breeding and when they appear in response to unintentional forces [1]. The selection between mechanisms by the rate of entropy increase is a particularly stringent criterion when free energy is becoming depleted.

"The selection between mechanisms by the rate of entropy increase is a particularly stringent criterion when free energy is becoming depleted"...

Hm, hm, hmmm